One of the bullet points on the rear of ‘The Westminster Tradition’ Bible reading calendars is as follows:
“Creedwise, we subscribe to The Westminster Confession Of Faith (1646 AD, original version) and The Cambridge Platform (1648 AD), the caveat of the Separatist Puritans (including the Pilgrim Fathers, the actual founders of modern America and the true adherents of the Gospel of the grace of God, through the shed and sprinkled blood of Jesus Christ!”
This is a smokescreen and not to be believed. Very few of those in The Westminster Tradition will possess a copy of The Cambridge Platform, and even fewer will have read it. Ask them to teach you about the functioning of The Westminster Tradition, using The Cambridge Platform as their textbook! Though outwardly rendering lip service to this caveat of the Separatist Puritans, Elijah Chacko regularly mocks those who are ‘institutional’ and insist upon particulars of church polity and government. In doing so, he sabotages the foundational principles of this worthy creed, which says:
“The parts of Church-Government are all of them exactly described in the Word of God being parts or means of instituted worship according to the second Commandment, and therefore to continue one and the same unto the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, as a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, until he shall deliver it up unto God, even to the Father. So that it is not left in the power of men, officers, Churches, or any state in the world, to add, or diminish, or alter any thing in the least measure therein. The necessary circumstances, as time and place, etc., belonging unto order and decency, are not so left unto men, as that, under pretense of them, they may thrust their own inventions upon the churches: being circumscribed in the Word with many general limitations…” (Cam Plat Ch1; Sec 3-4).
To read peruse a copy of this excellent caveat with scriptural proofs attached, please follow the link below:
The Cambridge Platform (AD 1648)
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