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A Cult (Part 3)

Cult Mind Control


Steven Hassan is a leading expert on cults. Clicking on the button below will take you to an explanation of his BITE model of cult mind control, reproduced from his book ‘Combating Cult Mind Control’ (Freedom of Mind Press 2018). ‘BITE’ stands for ‘Behaviour control; Information control; Thought control and Emotional control’. I do not believe Steven had heard of The Westminster Tradition in the years he developed his model. Therefore, his writing cannot be construed as being deliberately prejudicial.

Steven’s model so closely describes Elijah’s practices that one could be excused for thinking Elijah used it as a blueprint. His model does not so closely describe the historic Reformed churches. How could The Westminster Tradition be the purest representation of Christ’s true Church today, when it mimics the structure and methodology of a plethora of cults?

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