Site icon Elijah Thomas Chacko

Intimidation Tactics

For they all made us afraid, saying, Their hands shall be weakened from the work, that it be not done. Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands.” (Nehemiah 6:9)


A person who resists Elijah Chacko will come under fierce attack. A chief method employed by him is to wrest providence against such a person and insinuate concerning any evil that befalls them, that it is God’s vengeance for touching His anointed. Verses such as Psalm 105:15 would be cited: ‘Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.’ Therefore, it was no surprise that whilst my wife was at a Westminster Tradition conference in Malaysia with our 7yr old daughter and 5yr old son, I received the following death threat on WhatsApp from a senior source (Phinehas David Yeoh):

Daniel, this afternoon, God providentially used me to save your son Othniel Harper from drowning when he fell into the pool of water in Cheefoo [Malaysian conference centre]. His head went straight into the water whilst his legs was upwards. Today he was spared but what about tomorrow? I suggest that you better stop attacking presiding pastor who had done you nothing but good. Nor should you join hands with those two treacherous bastards [he means Chia and Lim] who have been overtaken by the spirit of the False Prophet and Antichrist to smear the character of pastor Elijah. Thank you.” (2nd Feb AD 2019)


A second line of attack is litigation. I have more recently received a letter from Elijah Chacko, prepared by his daughter, a New York lawyer. The letter reads as follows (see link below for original):

“Dear Sir, I am concerned that you have not handled my personal information properly. You have unlawfully obtained my photograph and birthdate and used it without my consent on your website. I did not give my consent for you to use my photograph and birthdate publicly before and I do not give my consent now. I understand that before reporting my concern to the Information Commission’s Office (ICO) I should give you the chance to deal with it. If, when I receive your responses, I would still like to report my concern to the ICO, I will give them a copy of it to consider. You can find guidance on your obligations under information rights legislation on the ICO’s website ( as well as information on their regulatory powers and the action they can take. Please send a full response within 28 calendar days. If you cannot respond within that timescale, please tell me when you will be able to respond…” (22nd Feb AD 2019)

ICO Threat Letter 22nd Feb AD 2019

Reply to Threat Letter (27th Feb AD 2019)


A third line of attack is through online propaganda. In July 2019, The Westminster Tradition published a website ( for the purpose of character assassination. The website accuses me of doxxing, defrauding and infringing data protection among other things. More comments are to be found on this link.

“The purpose of this blog is to provide the other side of the story. Many of you who stumble on this blog have done so through searching for ‘Westminster Tradition’ or ‘Elijah Thomas Chacko’. Before coming here you would have perhaps read the blog with a url ‘’. This blog has been launched to provide insight as to the creator of the site His name is Daniel Harper and his email as listed on his site is To begin with, the individual Elijah Thomas Chacko has in no way given permission nor authority to the author to use his own name and personal data on the site. In fact, Daniel Harper has resorted to unscrupulous methods including secret recordings to lie and/or present half-truths… Daniel Harper is an unscrupulous character. In fact, recently he was suspended from practising medicine in the UK… Daniel Harper has used our church circular to suit his use and draw his conclusion that we are cultic. He even goes to the extent of defaming Elijah Thomas Chacko as an abuser of children!” – Extracts from wtdiscoveringthetruth


The fourth and most powerful means by which Elijah Chacko endeavours to silence dissent is by turning family members against a person. Concerted attempts have been made to alienate my children against me and I believe my wife was also encouraged to divorce me. Several times she attempted to blackmail me by saying that she would reconsider her divorce if I took down my website. Such comments did not originate from her. ‘We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed… (2 Cor 4:8-9)’

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