Jeshaiah Lim was a member of The Westminster Tradition for 29 years (from 1989 to 2018). For a number of years, he was Elijah Chacko’s personal assistant. The following statement is therefore an authoritative, eye-witness account of some of Elijah Chacko’s abhorrent practices. The text in this article is reproduced from a notarised affidavit. I am personally satisfied that it is factually accurate and will withstand scrutiny in a court of law.
Will Elijah Chacko deny this testimony? Will he ignore it? Will he do as formerly and try to discredit Jeshaiah, falsely painting him as some monster of iniquity? Or can we hope that Elijah will acknowledge his sin (Psalm 32:5)? What of those in his ministry who have also seen what Jeshaiah has seen? Will they remain complicit and seek to justify their ‘prophet’? What say ye all: Zephaniah Soh, Abraham Chia, Magdalene Lau, Phoebe Job? You (and others) have surely all witnessed these things! Nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad (Luke 8:17).
Jeshaiah’s testimony is further strengthened by an honest acknowledgment of his own guilt – and by implication his willingness to answer before a judge, should he ever be required to do so. In Jeshaiah’s open letter, he apologises unreservedly to all those he has hurt (see point 1.3).
I participated and witnessed the water torture given to younger children whose ages ranged from 2-7 years old. The adults (usually myself, Abraham Chia, Magdalene Lau or Phoebe Job) were instructed to remove the child’s clothings and then hold the struggling child while Mr Chacko sprayed water into the mouth of that child continually. They were force fed water and choked. This treatment continued until the child was subdued and obedient…
Mr. Chacko often created tension between husbands and wives by openly encouraging them to divorce especially when one does not follow Mr Chacko’s teaching and instructions. I was publicly instructed to divorce my wife Eunice Tay for being disobedient to him.
I, JESHAIAH LIM (Passport No. A33590087), a Malaysian citizen presently residing in China, Henan province, Zhengzhou [text redacted], make this statement concerning the harm and ill-treatment I have personally witnessed Elijah Thomas Chacko perpetrate towards children within his organisation The Westminster Tradition. The contents of my statement are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
1. I am a Christian who came to know Elijah Thomas Chacko in 1989. Mr Chacko is a Singaporean citizen and is the founder and chief (‘presiding pastor’) of the organisation, The Westminster Tradition.
2. I joined Elijah Thomas Chacko and The Westminster Tradition in 1989 and remained there until the year 2018.
3. In the year 2002, I gave up my former job as a legal clerk in a law firm in Kuala Lumpur (C.S.Tang & Co. Advocates and Solicitors) to serve full-time in the ministry upon the request of Mr. Chacko.
4. I subsequently moved from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was living in both Johor Bahru, Malaysia and Singapore to serve him as his unpaid personal assistant.
5. During the period of service as his personal assistant, I have personally witnessed Mr Chacko’s physical abuse on children.
6. Mr Chacko justifies his abusive behaviour through his teachings. He invented a teaching called the ‘application of the law’ and states that God has sent him to bring people to Christ by making them go through the process of humiliation.
7. In the implementation of this teaching, he not only uses physical abusive like punching; slapping; kicking and various forms of torture but there was also verbal abuse. He practises name-calling (e.g. bastard, witch, whore) and uses other harsh words in the name of making a person humble so they can appreciate Jesus Christ.
8. Through Elijah Thomas Chacko’s teaching, I was brainwashed to think that unless people accept these abusive treatment, they cannot be saved.
9. Hence, I subjected myself to his verbal abuse and as a leader in The Westminster Tradition, I was also coerced into assisting Mr Chacko when such abusive practices were done by him. I thought I was doing the right thing.
10. I participated and witnessed the water torture given to younger children whose ages ranged from 2-7 years old. The adults (usually myself, Abraham Chia, Magdalene Lau or Phoebe Job) were instructed to remove the child’s clothings and then hold the struggling child while Mr Chacko sprayed water into the mouth of that child continually. They were force fed water and choked. This treatment continued until the child was subdued and obedient.
11. Mr Chacko has practised this form of water torture on a number of children. These are the names of some of the children I have assisted him with: John Robinson Patacsil and Jeremiah Patacsil (Philippines), Maschil Basnet (Nepal), Michaiah Tan (Singapore), Erastus Jacob Ling (Malaysia).
12. For the older children, Mr Chacko physically abuses them in the form of caning. One occasion that stand out is when Mr Chacko caned the three children (Lemuel Phuna, Joseph Fong and Hosea Fong) living in his Malaysia residence in Johor Bahru until there were blood-stains on their school uniforms. Their teachers discovered it and wanted to report their findings to the police, but desisted when Lemuel and Hosea protested because such physical abuse became a norm and accepted by them.
13. Mr. Chacko often created tension between husbands and wives by openly encouraging them to divorce especially when one does not follow Mr Chacko’s teaching and instructions. I was publicly instructed to divorce my wife Eunice Tay for being disobedient to him.
I hereby state that the information above is true, to the best of my knowledge. I also confirm that the information here is both accurate and complete, and relevant information has not been omitted.
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