Site icon Elijah Thomas Chacko


WT Is Covering The Truth

In July 2019, The Westminster Tradition published two websites. The first ( is intended ‘to give a better understanding and appreciation’ of who they are and contains a statement of beliefs as well as access to a selection of Elijah Thomas Chacko’s writings. It is The Westminster Tradition’s official front and is intended to appear orthodox and reputable. The second, ( is an entirely different affair. It is published in the form of a blog and is written with the intent of discrediting this author’s website and character. They say it is written ‘to provide the other side of the story’.

Here are a few general observations concerning ‘wtdiscoveringthetruth’. Specifics will follow later.

(1) The authorship is deliberately anonymous. Contributing authors have used their initials rather than their true names i.e. ‘ey’, ‘nc/lc’, ‘zs’ and ‘rs’. It is highly likely that these initials correspond to ‘Esther Yeoh’, ‘Naomi Chua/Leah Chua’, ‘Zephaniah Soh’ and ‘Rhoda Soh’. It is my opinion that initials were used so that only cult members (the website’s target audience) might be able to deduce the authors’ identities. They would be hidden from internet search engines or any interested parties outside of the cult. It is not, for example, desirable for Zephaniah Soh (who was recently caught red-handed by a pastor in Mexico denying affiliation with both Elijah Thomas Chacko and The Westminster Tradition), to be seen to be writing articles in defence of the individual and the ministry he was so eager to deny.

(2) The authors are hypocritical. They level accusations of doxxing, of intentional use of information to defraud, of personal data and privacy infringements, as well as of illegal recording, misuse of internal newsletters and reliance on ‘questionable sources.’ Those who themselves define doxxing as: ‘search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent’, engage in precisely this activity themselves. They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame. Their hypocrisy will be obvious to any impartial mind. Let readers be confident that the material presented here is factually accurate, attested by multiple witnesses and proven from The Westminster Tradition’s own literature. This author believes his decision to publish material concerning The Westminster Tradition is in the public interest and that his use of their literature is proportionate. Nothing has been obtained fraudulently. If Elijah believes this website to be in contravention of international law, then he is welcome to make his argument in court. He was invited to do so in February 2019. Of course, scrutiny is the very last thing he wants, for his ways are those of darkness and he recoils from the light… even that of a secular court.

(3) Readers of ‘wtdiscoveringthetruth’ are given no opportunity to comment. This facility (standard in WordPress blogs) is deliberately disabled. The authors do not want to provide any forum for dissent or criticism of their views. In contrast, almost every article on this website is followed by a comments section, in which opportunity is given the reader to post comments of unlimited length, provided that they adhere to the very reasonable ‘rules of posting‘. Robust dialogue is a good thing and is feared only by those who have something to hide.

(4) Elijah Chacko is silent. He is not credited with writing a single word on the webpage. Why? He claims to be the greatest man walking this earth. He claims to be the last of the last of the last of God’s representatives. He claims to be the voice crying in the wilderness (Is 40:3). He claims to be one who shines as the brightness of the firmament (Dan 12:3). Then where is his voice? Where is his light? Why is the man so secretive? Why won’t he release his sermons on Why doesn’t he publish them in book format? Why is it that only a fraction of his writings are available to the public? Why is he so furious when even a single, lawfully obtained photograph of his person enters the public domain? If Elijah is really the one whom God has called to ‘restore all things‘ (Matt 17:11) and is really the ‘standard‘ that the Spirit of the LORD has lifted up against the enemy hordes (Is 59:19) and is really one whom God has raised up to slay the prophets of Baal (1 Ki 18:40), then he should quit himself like a man and stop skulking behind anonymous representatives. He should take a leaf from Martin Luther and nail his doctrines up in plain sight of all.

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