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Zephaniah’s Prayer

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me (Ex 20:3)

The audio clip below is abbreviated from a recording of Zephaniah Soh’s prayer made in response to Elijah Chacko’s ‘State of the World Address’. Elijah’s sermon was preached during an international conference held in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia (February 2018). Zephaniah’s entire prayer lasted just over 30 minutes (the full transcript can be found here). Approximately 50% of Zephaniah’s prayer related directly to his idolatrous worship of his lord Elijah. It is these portions which shall be commented upon below.

A Prayer of Abomination

by Zephaniah Soh | China Conference Feb 2018

TRANSCRIPT: “… we give thanks to Thee O God that Thou hast indeed delivered us from the house of bondage … to come under the ministry of the man of God in our times, so that this day we are so blessed to hear these things even as the man of God even delivered this address on the state of the world and the state of the churches in our days. We thank Thee, O God, that we should have this blessedness to hear these things where multitudes of people remain in delusion, being deceived by the Evil Trinity. But thank Thee, O God, even for the spiritual comprehension that Thou hast granted and enlightened the man of God to give us such a deep and profound and sharp analysis of what is happening around us in our days … Thank Thee, O God, even for raising up even our presiding pastor, to grant him such clarity of insight, to interpret especially the current events in our days from the perspective of the Scriptures, from the perspective of prophecies and eschatology, even to persuade us where we stand at this hour. Truly we are living in the last of the last days. Our Lord, Yeshua Christ is coming back soon. And all these biblical prophecies in the last days has been fulfilled … O God, we have clearly been deluded and are so foolish and not really understanding what is the call of the Word of God, the nature of the ministry of the man of God. We walk in our own ways, having our own agendas … But it’s Thy servant Thou hast raised up, to give us such objective and accurate interpretation of prophecies. And who can know these things, except the Lord be with him? And in these days, O God, we have all the host of Bible colleges and preachers, but, God, we have more darkness than any time in the time of history. Truly, O God, is Thy servant that Thou hast raised up, but some of us are lacking integrity even to, even to really deduce what Thy servant is and the work that Thou called him, because of all our crookedness, because of all our pride, all our high-mindedness – and, O God, have mercy upon us. After all these many evidences and signs and great attestation of the Holy Ghost. Even just by one sermon it shows so much, O God, what Thy servant has been raised for. Yet, O God, we don’t have that objectivity and that honesty even really to be convicted … when Thy servant shows us what is really happening … Who can have such light and who can have such understanding? Thou hast raised up Thy servant to cast this light upon us. To show us the perils of our days … Not because we are smart, not because we know the Word of God. It’s the reverse, O God. But it’s because of the man of God Thou hast raised up in these last and evil days. We are so blessed to come under his ministry, so that, O God, we can be delivered from all our confusion, all our defilement to be cleansed and be sanctified, so that, O God, we may have the hope of salvation … We have been really the bloody treacherous person! Sinners in Zion! O God, have mercy upon us. Because, O God, we have not really take heed to all, even the preaching and the warning of the man of God toward us … Who are we, O God, to level against the ungodly, to level against the decadent West? Who are we, O God, to point our finger to them when our life do not match up to what Thy servant preaches? We have not really treasured all that’s been taught by the man of God. And we have not treasured the person and the ministry of the man of God. It’s more of words … and truly, O God, if there’s a hope, it’s truly in the ministry even of Thy servant that Thou hast raised up in our days. Thank Thee, O God, for raising him up to restore all things. Thank Thee, O God, even for the proof of it in his doctrines – that has been coveted for by all Christendom – even by the Bible Reading Calendar, it speaks so much of it. And how much more, O God, even in this sermon that we heard, that truly angels and saints of old do desire to hear? … God, awake us, O God. Have mercy upon us, O God, that we may really be the children of the prophet in our times … O God, we pray, O God, that having been so privileged to come under the ministry of the man of God, we may not be judged by Thee … Thy servant have shown us so clearly that our days are really likened even to the days of Jeremiah of old. Truly Israel has fallen and Judah has fallen. O God, we are really living in this, in this, in this deep spiritual predicament. O God, why even Jeremiah has even penned this lamentation and prayer? To direct the people, O God. And thank Thee for the Jeremiah of our times, even has directed us even to this song, the spirit of it. O God, grant us the spirit to cry to Thee, O God. Please, O God, deliver us from the power of presumption. Please deliver us, O God, from all our levity … even may count us to be the people of God. Redeem us and wash us with His precious blood. Let us be not cast out, that truly we would be Thy people, O God, truly the spiritual children of the man of God in our days. That we will live up to all his preaching and all his warning. That we will really live up to it – take it to heart. Not only to be reformed in our ways, but the Holy Ghost will transform our lives … Help us, O God. Help us to listen, love Thy servant that Thou hast sent. Not taking him for granted. Not living with another doctrine. Not having another spirit and continuing counter-reformation work. But God, help us, O God. That we may walk in the same spirit of Thy servant. That we may be integral to all the preaching and doctrine that Thy servant has delivered to us … We pray Thee, O God, that we may really be, even the light even for these times. That not only Thy servant should fight this battle, but we may be able to join him to fight this battle – this final battle before the coming, soon coming of our Lord Yeshua Christ. O God, help us, O God. Dear Father in heaven, we pray that Thou will further preserve him. Please, O God, he‘s so afflicted. But thank Thee for the love of Christ that constrain him to deny himself, to die daily, so that, so that he may be able to preach to the people of God – even for the salvation of the elect. We thank Thee for all his spirit of sacrifice. We thank Thee for the Spirit of the Lord which constrain him. O God, we pray, be good even to health, to his health, to recover him from all his physical ailment and affliction. And if he should stay, let the grace of Christ be sufficient, be experienced by him. For we know, O God, that his biggest pain is not his physical ailment and sickness, but it is to see the apostasy of our life. O God, we pray that Thou would really, as we have prayed, that Thou would transform us, that we may be a joy instead of a grief of mind to him. We pray, O God, that Thou enable him to fulfil even this ministry that Christ has called him. And grant him further unction and grace and wisdom even to fight the battle of the Lord against the mighty. Please, O God, enrich his meditation of the Word of God. Grant him an even further sense of discernment and judgment and use him, O God, further, … that all Thy people may be warned. O Father in heaven, hear our prayers. And in this China conference, even for the remaining days sustain him, O God. And use him mightily. O Father in heaven, hear our prayers … Amen.”

Surely no commentary is necessary? Would any defend this man-worship? Is there any biblical sanction or precedent for praying in such a manner? Is not this prayer alone sufficient proof that The Westminster Tradition has become the cult of Elijah? Zephaniah Soh is the most senior of all Elijah Chacko’s representatives. He did not earn his stars through mindless emotional outbursts. Elijah does not trust emotional and unpredictable people. He also does not appreciate those who are imprecise in their articulation of his doctrines. No, Zephaniah’s words and theatrics were clinical and calculated. During the course of this prayer, he mentions Elijah by name, pronoun (‘he’, ‘him’, ‘his’) or grandiose title (‘Thy servant’, ‘man of God’, ‘the prophet in our times’, ‘the Jeremiah of our times’) a total of 59 times. In comparison, the One whom God hath highly exalted and given a Name which is above every name – Jesus Christ, at whose Name every knee should bow and whose lordship every tongue should confess, is mentioned only 20 times (see full transcript). Consider the following specifics:

1. Elijah was present and can be heard saying ‘Amen’ at several points in the recording. He is not usually shy to interrupt if he is dissatisfied with the content of any prayer. On this occasion, he did not object. Not even once. He had no reason to. Nothing Zephaniah said deviated from Elijah’s own teachings.

2. Zephaniah’s relationship to Elijah is that of abject, unquestioning servitude. Whilst exalting his liege-lord to the heavens, Zephaniah grovels in the dust and invites everybody present to do likewise.

3. Specifically, Zephaniah boasted that ‘truly angels and saints of old do desire to hear’ Elijah’s messages. For ‘who can have such light and who can have such understanding?’ ‘And who can know these things, except the Lord be with him?’ ‘It’s because of the man of God.’ If angels are offended when women usurp the authority of man (1 Cor 11:10), how much more offended must they be when a man usurps the true Head of the Church, Whom the Father was pleased to set at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come?

4. Zephaniah prays at one point (see full transcript) that he might not have another spirit and thereby continue the counter-reformation work. This is an allusion to Elijah’s teaching on the ‘Antichrist spirit’. Elijah maintains that Antichrist is a discrete spirit, the second spirit of the ‘Evil Trinity’, inferior only to Satan himself in demonic rank. This is a very clear departure from the view held by all the English Reformers and almost all the seventeenth century English Puritans, whose view is summarised as:

Antichrist is not to be confined to any single person, or power, but is essentially a great principle or system of falsehood, having various manifestations, forms of working, and degrees, as especially exemplified in Antiochus Epiphanes, Jewish bigotry, and pagan intolerance; while it is undeniable that later Romanism exhibits some of the most prominent characteristics of Antichrist in a manner so striking and peculiar as to assure us that the system is not only one among many species of Antichrist, but that it stands in the forefront, and is pointed at by the finger of prophecy as no other form of Antichrist is.’ (Ronald N. Cooke, Antichrist Exposed, Truth International Ministries, Vancouver, 2006, p. 192).

Elijah Chacko’s teaching is that those within the true church who oppose the true servants of Christ are actuated by Antichrist. Therefore, it is understood that anybody within The Westminster Tradition who opposes the person or ministry of Elijah is of Antichrist. What lies! What deception! Is not Antichrist manifest when a man such as Elijah Chacko is held up to be their ‘hope of salvation’, raised ‘up to restore all things’? 

5. In June 2019, Zephaniah assured a Reformed pastor in Mexico that Elijah Chacko was not his pastor – that he knew this man a very long time ago – so long, that he couldn’t remember how many years ago it was (see here for article). This prayer is proof for those outside of The Westminster Tradition that not only does Zephaniah know Elijah, but he idolises him and has recently been given the dubious honour of writing in Elijah’s defence (see ‘zs’ authorship).

6. Much can be derived from Zephaniah’s prayer concerning who he believes Elijah Chacko to be: (a) a man enlightened with a unique understanding of Scripture and the times (b) one who lives at the very end of history (Malachi 4:5), when ‘all the biblical prophecies in the last days have been fulfilled’ (c) who can interpret all end times prophecy and ‘restore all things’ (Matt 17:11) (d) who is the last prophet, a minister sent in the same vein as Jeremiah to warn the presumptuous and apostate church (especially in the decadent West) of the coming judgment in ‘these last and evil days’ (Rev 16:15) (e) who is leading the fight in ‘this final battle’ (Isaiah 59:19) before the coming of Jesus Christ (f) as a spiritual father to the remnant few (Isaiah 8:18). The five Bible references cited above are perceived by Elijah to be directly prophesying of himself. Zephaniah brazenly explains these concepts in The Westminster Tradition’s unofficial website ( If this abomination of a prayer does anything, it  lays bare the ugly fruit of Zephaniah’s heresy.

May God grant swift repentance to those who break the first commandment by having other gods before Him. Elijah Chacko is going the way of destruction. He would do well to take care. For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God (Deut 4:24).

Larger Catechism Q. 105. What are the sins forbidden in the first commandment?

The sins forbidden in the first commandment are… self-love, self-seeking, and all other inordinate and immoderate setting of our mind, will, or affections upon other things, and taking them off from him in whole or in part … pride … praying, or giving any religious worship, to saints, angels or any other creatures … making men the lords of our faith and conscience … ascribing the praise of any good we either are, have, or can do, to fortune, idols, ourselves, or any other creature.

- Westminster Assembly, AD 1648

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