Who Was Elijah Thomas Chacko?
The late Elijah Thomas Chacko (Sept 1952 – April 2020) was born in Singapore and was the founder and presiding pastor of the cult, ‘The Westminster Tradition’ (TWT). This organisation identifies Elijah Chacko as the harbinger of Christ’s Second Coming and a man who had been directly anointed of God to restore the church to a doctrinal purity unsurpassed since the days of the apostle Paul. His followers had believed his claim that he was the fulfilment of Malachi 4v5: Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
Rather than openly publish such an extraordinary claim, TWT has always taken efforts to present itself as quintessentially orthodox. It publishes Bible Reading Calendars (BRCs) and distributes them internationally. These calendars endorse many historic doctrines and creeds, not least the Westminster Confession Of Faith (1646) from which it derives its name, and The Cambridge Platform (1648). Its webpage (www.westminstertradition.com) is also designed to deceive. The ‘Our Beliefs’ section states that TWT adheres to the Westminster Confession Of Faith (AD 1646) ‘as long as its contents are in agreement with the Holy Scriptures.’ The truth is that Elijah Chacko had many doctrinal innovations and had departed from the Westminster Confession Of Faith in a multiplicity of ways. Most of his heresies secured him greater dominion over the minds, consciences and souls of his disciples.
The Westminster Tradition has representatives in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Nepal, Outer & Inner Mongolia, China, England, USA, Canada and Latin America. A few of these representatives are talented preachers, trained to bring across Bible doctrine in a lively and relevant manner. The messages they convey (for they have historically been forbidden to preach anything they have not learned from Elijah Chacko) are initially scriptural and compelling. They also do an excellent work of refuting many of the heresies that have historically troubled the Protestant churches. However, as the bonds of affection and trust are cemented with their proselytes, novel teachings and emphases are brought in until the hearers are persuaded that they have virtually no hope of salvation outside of The Westminster Tradition.
Elijah Thomas Chacko had always been highly secretive about his distinctive teachings, and therefore did not publish his sermons online. He claimed to keep a low profile in order to avoid persecution from (a) the Singapore government (b) the Roman Catholic Jesuits and (c) Muslim and Hindu extremists. This could easily be recognised to be a subterfuge. He feared prosecution in Singapore or Malaysia and was therefore seeking American citizenship. Elijah Chacko also feared that his true teachings would become known amongst the Protestant churches, thereby diminishing the ability of his representatives from infiltrating other churches. Only a select few of his written works are available to purchase or read online. The purpose of this website is to make public his private teachings and practices. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house (Matt 5:14b-15). It is cults and not true churches who hide their doctrines and elevate any individual (except the Lord Jesus Christ) to a position of supreme importance or authority. The author is not speaking from hearsay or indirect reports. He was himself ten years within Elijah Chacko’s ministry and has personally known all the leading figures referred to and quoted on this website. Until the Lord graciously opened his eyes in 2018, he was himself a leading representative of TWT within UK/Europe operations, being a founding trustee of the Northern Ireland charity ‘The Westminster Tradition’ (NIC 100974 – removed from register on 6th January 2020).
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