But We Preach Elijah

by | Feb 14, 2019 | 0 comments

This report was prepared by David Debbarma and Benaiah Debbarma, two young disciples of Elijah Chacko from Tripura. It was broken into five sections and printed as a mission report in the New Jerusalem Times 24th-29th (excluding 27th) April AD 2018. David is a brother who ardently and indefatigably preaches Elijah’s messages. He has distinguished himself among the Tripuris as one of Elijah’s chief representatives, having a quick and teachable mind, an excellent grasp of English and a complete conviction that Elijah Chacko is the final prophet. He’s exactly the kind of man Elijah seeks. David oversees the Westminster Tradition churches in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. This report demonstrates how every message elevates Elijah Chacko and warns about the dire consequences of rejecting him. David is careful to convey Elijah’s messages, therefore this is not a fallacy of his own making. There is a lot about eschatology (end times theology) in order to persuade the hearers that we are at the very cusp of history – the necessary context for them to embrace Elijah Chacko’s identity. Those who believe in ‘that Elijah’ are enthralled. Those who don’t are likened to Cain. David makes just two mentions of Jesus Christ, the One Who is worthy to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing (Rev 5:12). One mention concerns Christ’s prophecy about the Elijah who should come. The other refers to how the students at St. Peter’s School were bonded to David and Benaiah ‘in the love of Christ.’ I fear that if the truth be known, they were bonded in the love of Elijah, since he is mentioned ten times as either ‘Elijah’, ‘man of God’ or ‘presiding pastor.’ Though it is not my specific purpose to hold David (whom I love dearly) up to public scrutiny, his report demonstrates clearly that he is not preaching ‘Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24b),’ but he is preaching man (Acts 20:30). From beginning to end, we see that the theme of every message is Elijah Chacko.

  • (NJT 24th Apr 2018) “Greetings, dear man of God! David Debbarma and Benaiah Debbarma were in Tripura for a few days, beginning from the 30th of March to the 4th of April, 2018 AD. It was done at the request of the Takarjala Church who wanted to have a few days dedicated to teach them doctrines, to minister to them and help them improve the health of the local church. So, they sponsored the tickets for David Debbarma: it was a blessed time for us and also especially the Takarjala brethren. A few brethren from other churches were importunately coming down to Takarjala to attend the meetings. There were two sessions every day. The morning session at about 6:30am was dedicated to the students of St. Peter School and the teachers. While Benaiah led them in the singing of psalms, David conveyed to them the exegesis of Genesis chapters 1 to 5, part by part. It was conducted in the open ground of the school. The morning breeze, the birds singing, the green trees, flowers and the gentle sun further enriched the beauty of the creation account in Genesis. The students were especially ministered and were bonded to us in the love of Christ. Some of them even expressed their desire to come down to the twin cities for their higher studies. Even the teachers were putting in effort to gather the students not only for the morning sessions in the school ground but also for the evening sessions in the Takarjala chapel. The teachers would make notes with the intention to meditate further on it and also to discuss with the students. We tried to help the students to see their blessedness and the good hand of providence, even as they have the privilege to enjoy such a unique spiritual ambience in the hostel. We deliberately warned them that, if they go away from the truth and the servant of God, they shall die spiritually.” 
  • (NJT 25th April 2018) “The evening sessions with the brethren in the chapel were also blessed. The unmentioned and unplanned theme of the mini conference was, ‘The identity, role and importance of the man of God and his disciples in these last of the last days’. The choice of the messages providentially linked together beautifully to impress upon the brethren this matter. The preacher did not arrange it intentionally but it was realised at the end of the trip. Thank God for such a beautiful work of the Spirit of God. We opened the evening session with thy ‘State of the world and Christendom address’ delivered in the last China conference. In the session, they were made to see apostate Christendom in America, the centre of the False Prophet, and apostate Christendom in Europe, the centre of the Antichrist. The blessedness of the east is seen in that the man of God is from the east and our missionaries are sent to the west. The brethren were warned against the Babylonian culture and the fornicatious lifestyle. The next one was on ‘Discerning the times we are living in and the final Apostasy’. It was made clear that we are living in the last of the last days, even as the fulfilment of the various prophecies about the last of the last days are realised in our times, especially in Christendom. The nature of the perilous times in 2 Timothy 3, the Laodicean syndrome, the cycle of apostasy and the nature of apostasy as mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 are all seen in Christendom today. Above all, the indications of the third Earthquake in Revelation shows that we are indeed very close to the end. Thank God that we have the man of God to guide and warn us, restoring all things in such darkest of all times.” 
  • (NJT 26th April 2018) “And hence, providentially the next message conveyed was one of thy messages from 2017 AD China conference. It was about covenantal headship and blessings through the providence of God in the time of great famine, employing the case study of Joseph, Jacob and Judah. The parallelism of the floods in the times of Noah with the flood of apostasy in our times and the great famine in the times of Jacob with the great famine of the hearing of the Word of God (Amos 8:11-12) in our times brought much clarity. We were not only made to see the special mandate granted to thee by God but also our blessedness to be found in thy ministry. When the whole world is starving, we are having such a great feast like Jacob and his family. Such great mercy and grace shown to sinners likes us! Some of the brethren were moved to tears and thankfulness. At the same time, we were warned not to take things for granted but to be like Jacob and Tamar to press home the covenantal blessings unto salvation. O God, save us from being a Ham! The next message was an overview of 1 Samuel, which magnifies the anointing of the Holy Spirit in varying measures upon various people. It not only brought out the necessity of recognising the anointed persons but also to acknowledge and honour them humbly, putting aside our pride and self-righteousness.” 
  • (NJT 28th April 2018)The theme of the mini conference was brought to its climax with thy recent December conference messages from Galatians and other portions of the Holy Scriptures, unfolding the identity of the Elijah of our times, whose calling is to restore all things. This particular message was preached in Kila, Shealtiel Jamatia’s, Othniel Jamatia’s and Eber Jamatia’s church. However, the Takarjala brethren and some other brethren also joined in. The preacher and the brethren were in tears as the identity and role of ‘the Elijah’ was unfolded in the preaching. It is indeed overwhelming for unworthy sinners like us to be brought to thee. Other than Takarjala brethren (though they followed us everywhere), one session was given to Ramghati Church of Gedaliah Debbarma, our elder, where one of thy 2017 AD China conference messages from Genesis was conveyed. It was to show them the need to remember that God is the God of discrimination (election) and hence, the need to strive and cry to God to be found in the right camp. Also we are to especially examine our mindset and actions, if we are running away like Cain from the Abels in our midst. It was very sobering and left no room for presumption, though we were made to see the blessedness to be found in thy ministry through the previous conveyances.”
  • (NJT 29th April 2018) “The final session was in Palace Compound, thy recent China conference message from Joshua (chapter 22) was conveyed and many among the leaders were ministered. They were reproved and exhorted not to rest like the two and a half tribes until the other brethren have inherited their portions of blessings. It was apt for the brethren at Palace Compound, even as they have been blessed the most by the visits of the missionaries. Terah (previously Satyalal) Debbarma, the eldest uncle of David and the Secretary of St. Peter School, said, ‘… All these days I never wanted to admit that presiding pastor is that Elijah, about whom Christ and the prophets prophesied. But this time, through the series of messages conveyed by David Debbarma, I feel fully convicted that our ministry is indeed very special and that Elijah Thomas Chacko is that Elijah, who restores all things.’ Ram Debbarma said, ‘Apart from the blessings that came via the messages, the singing of the psalms was made more joyful and experimental by the help of the Spirit of God more than ever before. Thanks to the heart touching voice and leading of Benaiah.’ Esther Debbarma, the younger daughter of our beloved elder Berachiah Debbarma (commonly known as BC) was unusually liberated. She is usually reserved, and does not like to follow the brethren, especially if the meetings are in other churches other than Takarjala. But this time, she followed the brethren to other churches as well, in order to listen to thy messages. She was ministered and blessed. David Debbarma’s mother, Anna Debbarma, said, ‘Now I don’t regret that my son is not working as a pilot. His calling is different. Every time he stands behind the pulpit and preach pastor’s messages, the Spirit of God helps him to speak things that minister to us. I feel like following him wherever he goes.’ Though there were no formal response sessions, the above were said in casual fellowship seasons after the meetings. Thank God for the few brethren from other churches that importunately travelled every evening to join us in Takarjala. We are thankful to God for allowing us to enjoy such beautiful moments under thy ministry, facilitated by the conveyances of thy messages. To sum up, we felt that many were ministered and felt convicted of thy calling and doctrines by the work of the Spirit of God. Fear was ministered, even as we were made to understand the times that we are living in. Thank thee. Shalom!” Reported by David Debbarma and Benaiah Debbarma, on their few days visit to Tripura (especially Takarjala Church and St. Peter School), Tripura; 18 April AD 2018.


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