Eliezer Pandey’s Rebuttal
The author of this missive is presently pastoring the Bombay congregation within TWT. He is a Nepali citizen and met Elijah Chacko whilst working in Malaysia, which has a large and oppressively treated migrant workforce. Eliezer writes in a very different manner, determining to give glory to God for all the blessings he has received under Elijah.
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There is no reason to doubt Eliezer’s gratitude. Yet for all this, he is firmly under Elijah’s control. A man may sing praises unto God whilst being locked in an inner prison, having his feet fast in the stocks. Eliezer’s determination to count his blessings is to his credit, but his dismissal of the complaints of others is not. The mentality of those like Eliezer is to see Elijah Chacko as Moses and themselves as the Israelites in the wilderness who have not yet entered their salvation rest. Any murmuring is likened to the behaviour of some of the Israelites,… Read more »