Esther Yeoh, Naomi Chua & Leah Chua’s Rebuttal

by | Nov 2, 2018 | 0 comments

This rebuttal was drawn up by three young women within The Westminster Tradition. Esther Yeoh is daughter of Phinehas David Yeoh, one of Elijah Chacko’s full time missionaries. Naomi and Leah Chua are sisters. All are young, single and in full-time education. I believe that Leah (20yrs) is the youngest. They attempt to tackle the five main points in the Church of Judah’s separation letter. It is a strange letter, because it appears to be written to Chia and Lim (the two missionaries who planted the China churches) who were not the authors of the Church of Judah’s separation letter. Also, their writing style is haughty, condescending and didactic – as though they forget that Chia was for many years an uncle to them, and had been a disciple of Elijah Chacko before they were even born. These girls are Elijah Chacko’s proteges, as they themselves spell out. Their skill in using personal sleights, sarcasm and mockery to score doctrinal points is trademark Chacko. They learnt it from a master. Let the reader judge for themselves: do these young ladies sound credible when they laugh away the accusation that Elijah is a tyrant and in the same paragraph pronounce spiritual anathemas upon their superiors, saying that Chia and Lim’s “damnation is just.”

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