Hannah Thomas & Esther Ng’s Rebuttal

by | Oct 29, 2018 | 0 comments

This publication which came hot on the heels of the former two, focusses again on Elijah Chacko’s doctrine of anointing. It is much more direct and assertive than the former rebuttal and is written more in the form of a letter than a doctrinal treatise. These two young women (the former being Elijah Chacko’s own daughter) were born and raised in Singapore within Elijah Chacko’s ministry. They were educated in the United States. Here they unapologetically defend the assertions that Elijah Chacko makes concerning his calling, his anointing and his role and place in history. They credit their arguments not to their own selves, but to their pastor. This article is arguably most representative (of the rebuttals thus far) of Elijah Chacko’s manner of preaching and biblical exegesis. I leave it to the reader to judge whether it is scriptural for young, unmarried women to write to church elders and those formerly recognised as ‘missionary pastors’ in the manner therein.

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