“Greetings beloved pastor. It was a blessed China conference. With each master stroke, a landscape of the 5 books of the Torah (the foundation of the Holy Scriptures) was marvellously framed. I acknowledge no flesh or books like Calvin’s Institute or Matthew Henry’s Commentary can reveal the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Yeshua the way you did. Truly, I can affirm that God has given you the special anointing for the special need of the hour in this last perilous times. I am so thankful that I have been brought under thy ministry to enjoy the covenantal blessings and privileges; and peradventure obtain the covenantal promise in Christ Jesus, the covenantal Head of His elect. Thank you for bearing the afflictions of Christ in your body for our souls’ sake…” (extract from a letter written by a sister in Bunbury, Australia and printed in the New Jerusalem Times, 16th February AD 2019)
The writer makes some bold and audacious acknowledgments in this short letter. Firstly, that Elijah Chacko is a master in the Scriptures. Secondly, that his mastery exceeds even the very best works of John Calvin and Matthew Henry (which, unless she is unique within The Westminster Tradition, she has almost certainly not read). Not only this, but she acknowledges that no flesh (i.e. living person) can reveal Christ Yeshua as Elijah did at this recent conference. (A shame there were only about a hundred attendees given that it was the best conference in half a millennium). By saying that she ‘acknowledges’, she intimates her submission to a doctrine taught by Elijah himself – that he only has this special anointing, being the individual whom God has raised up to announce the return of His Son Jesus Christ. That is a doctrinal statement flowing from the sister’s acknowledgment that Elijah has the special anointing for the special need in this last perilous times. She then links her understanding of Elijah’s identity to her own hope of future salvation. She is thankful that under Elijah’s ministry she can enjoy the covenantal blessings and privileges. She means those blessings and privileges peculiar to Elijah’s ministry and procured by placing herself under Elijah’s ‘covenantal canopy’, for she does not believe herself to have yet obtained the covenantal promise in Christ Jesus (i.e. the covenant of grace).
Surely Elijah would not endorse these beliefs? Perhaps she is a weak sister who has been carried beyond due bounds by a sense of thankfulness to her beloved pastor? Not at all. Her statements are pithy and doctrinal. She knows what she writes. Not only does Elijah endorse the content, but he publishes it to everybody in his ministry. I do not personally know any Protestant pastor who would not be mortified by such statements. They should trigger such horror in Elijah that he should tear his clothes and like Barnabas and Paul of old cry to those who are intent on worshipping him, “We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein…” For though this sister claims the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Yeshua has been revealed to her to an unparalleled degree known in modern history, she seems taken up instead by the excellency of the knowledge of Elijah Chacko. From Elijah there is only thanks…
“Thanks…! I am happy you were able to join us! Pray God enable you to keep the power and life that has been ministered to you so that you may peradventure transmit [preach] them effectively to [your husband] and others in Western Australia! Shalom, dear sister!” (Elijah Thomas Chacko, same day)
Rather than deny a single word of this sister’s adulation, Elijah confirms her and entrusts her with the duty of preaching the same. For how else can she transmit the power and life that has been ministered to her? To her is given the unenviable duty of effectively transmitting messages which are so lofty and masterful that no flesh or books can attain unto them. Brethren, let this not be, but ‘seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses [including John Calvin and Matthew Henry], let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us [not least the sin of idolatry], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb 12:1-2).’
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