Josiah Chen, Caleb Chia & Philologus Eio’s Rebuttal

by | Oct 26, 2018 | 1 comment

This rebuttal was compiled by three young men within The Westminster Tradition. Josiah Chen is a Malaysian physician and joined TWT whilst still in his mid-teens. Caleb Chia and Philologus Eio are Singaporean and were born and raised within TWT. Their article endeavours to establish that (a) God always has and continues to anoint His preachers with the Holy Spirit (b) The degree of anointing differs between one preacher and another (c) Anointed preachers administer the law of reproof and rebuke as well as the gospel, and (d) Since the Bible teaches that very few shall be saved, it is entirely consistent for those within Elijah Chacko’s ministry to profess that they are not yet saved.



20181026 Special Edition – Missive 2

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