‘Our Special Mandate’
“Pastor’s outrage at many delegations dispatched overseas and the leaders and representatives of our ministry in foreign lands who unwisely mix the special mandate and the Great Commission, though he had reiterated the distinction and differences again and again. Many of our brethren who deputise him abuse and convey his teachings and try to begin their own churches, ministries and kingdoms. They are fulfilling their own agendas instead! Pastor had addressed this problem very clearly even in the recent China conference but unfortunately many brethren who do not have enough of the grey matter nor sufficient spiritual acumen nor special anointing act as though the corpus of doctrines he had given to them were their own derived understanding. Pastor had affirmed what he proclaims and warns people all over the world is not novel but given to him by the clear and special illumination of the Holy Spirit to reassert and underscore what our Lord, Paul, the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the Protestant Reformers, the quintessential Puritans and the 18th century Calvinistic Revivalists had faithfully declared. Our restoration is founded on the Historic Faith of our covenantally faithful forebears. It is based on experimental Calvinism as opposed to Roman Catholicism, Arminianism, Dispensationalism, Pentecostalism, Charismaticism and other modern day heresies. Our goal is to admonish people all over the world to repent (II Chronicles 7:14) and be ready for the second advent of our Lord Yeshua Christ, lest they find themselves on the wrong and horrible side of the great Judgment! Though our greatest emphasis is on the subjective aspect of the Gospel, we are not there so much to start new churches but endeavour to work across the denominational barriers of the Protestant constituency as far as it is possible.” (Extract from the introduction to ‘Our Special Mandate’, printed by TWT on 6th June AD 2018)
This publication brings great clarity to several statements Elijah Thomas Chacko has made about himself. The link to the full booklet is found above. Here are some teachings drawn straight from the pages:
1. Elijah Chacko believes himself to be called and anointed by God not so much to fulfil the Great Commission (by preaching to unbelievers), but to fulfil a ‘Special Mandate’ of restoring erring Protestant churches to a doctrinal purity known in these times only to him.
2. Elijah Chacko is special, having a ‘special mandate’; a ‘special calling’; a ‘special ministry’; a ‘special objective’; ‘a special anointing’ and a ‘special illumination of the Holy Spirit.’
3. The best in his ministry are faithful deputies who have only Elijah Chacko’s agenda at heart, draw only from Elijah Chacko’s understanding and convey only Elijah Chacko’s teachings.
4. This mandate to restore the Protestant churches to purity of doctrine is as much for women as for men, provided they do not deviate from Elijah Chacko’s teachings. The context of this publication was ETC’s instructions to Rhoda Soh (a woman) who was on a mission trip to central India. Paul says, “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence (1 Tim 2:12),” Elijah says, “…it is rather unwise to go for pioneering outreaches. It is a sheer wastage of our precious resources. I have directed you to spend most of your time and strength on our principal leaders… we are there to execute our mandate… which is to warn all people of the second coming of our Lord and to restore all things according to the Scriptures!!” Happily Rhoda’s conscience can be assuaged by the confidence that she is neither preaching nor teaching, but merely ‘conveying’ the doctrines of Elijah Chacko.
5. Elijah Chacko claims his message is given to him by the clear and special illumination of the Spirit of God. He claims it is not novel – yet the concept of anyone in post-apostolic times having a special anointing for a special end-times mandate is entirely novel. What he is claiming is to have received a perfect understanding of the Scriptures – for what else can he mean when he tells Rhoda that his mission is ‘to restore all things according to the Scriptures!!’ He claims to have received this understanding independently and without any assistance except that of the Holy Spirit speaking through the Scriptures – not through any ‘derived understanding’. In this, he is but a hair’s breadth from laying claim to divine inspiration and saying with Paul, “But I certify unto you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal 1:11-12).”
- Joel Joy
- Joash Lee
- David Debbarma
- Elizabeth Tan
- Elisha Yee
- Esther Yeoh
- Hadassah Chew
- Hephzibah Chai
- Phinehas Yeoh
- Tryphena Ma
“As for me, I must be pure and faithful to the Word of God and the counsel of the anointed prophet of God, in the niche I am given; to be crystal clear to myself, this ministry and divine mandate and the corpus of doctrine are given to thee by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, and not to me. I am brought under thy ministry to merely assist thee in my two cents worth. Thus I must be careful to do exactly what thy counsel for me is. When I act according to my own will, I act as though this light was granted to me, instead of following thy counsel. It is dangerous and foolish to think I am also special, lest I end up as Miriam and Aaron in their rebellion against Moses. This light is given to thee and thee alone.” (p14)
“Before you left for USA, in one of the prayer meetings, you had very clearly made the distinction that God’s calling and anointing upon you is for the undertaking of the special mandate to restore all things in Christendom as opposed to the Great Commission of preaching the Gospel to unbelievers. Due to our limited resources and the time we’re living in especially with the nigh second advent of Christ, our greatest priority should be to focus on restoring the right doctrines to the churches.” (p13)
“It is indeed important for the sisters to focus on us the leaders first… Thy ministry is now global and hence every spiritual and physical resource must be used productively… I beseech thee to pray for us, that we may be thy faithful deputies in the divine mandate to warn people of the second coming of Christ and restore all things by the Holy Scriptures. Pray God may search me and remove every streak of treachery and ungodly ambitions. After all, every little understanding that we have is because of thy interpretation and exegesis of the Holy Scriptures.”
“You have made it astoundingly clear to us that thy doctrines are aligned with the doctrines expounded by our Lord and all the godly forebears because they are given to you by the clear and special illumination of the Holy Spirit. If we fail to take heed, surely it will bring damnation to our soul. It’s a grave warning to all. May God have mercy upon us that we may stay focused to do God’s specific bidding and hearken to the prompting of the Holy Spirit through His servant’s voice that we’ll not be found on the wrong side of eternity!”
“Pastor, thanks for re-reiterating the distinction between the special mandate and the Great Commission. Protestantism needs especially the former aspect as no one has the illumination to restore all things as God has endued you. Capable deputies like Rhoda should maximize her time to convey your teachings to capable leaders. It’s a warning to all leaders that we may be upright to faithfully deputise you and not have our own agenda to the detriment of both the preacher and hearers.”
“May God forgive me for being a crook in the house of God who brings people to myself and for plagiarising all that you have taught us so richly. When I am not faithful both in my personal walk with God as well as in the way I bring to people these doctrines it shows that I have not experimentally and deeply understood the mandate God has given to you and I will be damned. What you wrote in the blurb is what you have said to us so many times in no uncertain terms and the damnation on us is real if we still fail to appreciate the depth and implications thereof.”
“I…felt that due to the great quantum of light granted to you by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, any missionary or any of your deputy who conveys your messages are bound to attract hearers and gain the honour. If the missionaries and deputies are not clear of their niche under your ministry or if there be any secret ambition, we will eventually fall prey to the evil trinity. We will end up setting our own churches and ministries. It is therefore our safety to continually acknowledge the source of our blessings or the source of the messages we conveyed.” (p11)
“It is a grave warning that we must know our niche under your special ministry else we be no different to the rest of the ‘evangelists’ going around spreading the Gospel but in the end drawing people to ourselves, selling the truth cheaply and wickedly. You have underlined again the special calling and illumination that God has given to you, founded on the historical faith and based upon Calvinism as opposed to all the false doctrines across the Protestant denominations. Hence, your specific advice to Rhoda is so pointed and sharp that she should work on the local leaders with thy doctrines and they can be used effectually to awake the rest who can hardly understand these purest truths which you have taken years to ground us in.” (p12)
“With the darkest state of prevailing apostasy of our last of the last days, very sadly, a majority of Protestant Churches today have departed so far from Historic Christianity that whenever we convey those messages you have bequeathed to us, the hearers, if they are upright, intelligent and seeking for the truth, would marvel at such quantum of light shed on them! To resist the temptation of stealing glory for ourselves, we have to tell the people whom we speak that these doctrines are truths we have personally learned from you, as Paul exhorted Timothy ‘knowing of whom thou hast learned them’ (2 Timothy 3:14b). In fact, these are things we openly declared to the pastors and churches everywhere we go – that we come to them not doing church planting or starting a new ministry but merely helping the local churches to reform by imparting to them the Calvinistic doctrines we have directly received from you to restore them back to ‘the old paths’ (Jeremiah 6:16d).” (p19)
“I need to constantly check whether I am fully convicted of thy special calling and ministry. The preface exposed me that I am not sharing thy messages to win souls to Christ but to myself. As thou said (in the message) we are not so much bringing the Gospel of peace but more of the Gospel of sword. Praying that God open our spiritual eyes and quicken us who are dead in trespasses and sins…” (p22)
Views: 778
Why don’t just all the visitors of this page go back to the Scriptures and read it thoroughly rather than reading the words of this man which is infallible by nature. Allegation without right proof. Thus your own family forsake you because of your wrong doing and motive. You are destroying your ownself.
“Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” But Mr. “Daniel will perished forever in hhell” dare not to curse the author to “perish forever in hell”.
Jesus rebuked James and John that “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.” Does Mr. “Daniel will forever perished in hhell” know what manner of spirit he is of? I think he really should be proud as he has the spirit of his dear pastor now.
How I wish Daniel Harper will go back and see on what are the blessedness that he spake of before. (Galatians 4:15). You have become foolish and altogether evil. God will bring all your confusion and wickedness to your own face. As thou has said on your preface before ” Please uphold me in prayer as I also pray for you. I have little doubt Satan would like to sift me like wheat. Satan already sift our every bit of your soul. 12/01/2016AD PREFACE “Dear pastor, I’m very grateful for the labour of those sisters who put their hearts and… Read more »