Separation Letters
The event which triggered this author’s own separation was the breaking away of the majority of the church plants in China from Elijah Chacko and his ministry ‘The Westminster Tradition’. There had always been a ‘falling away’ from his ministry of individuals and small groups, but this was an en masse separation and those who were involved had the facility to state their reasons clearly. It is my personal conviction that names should have been appended. Personally, I have not hidden my identity and commend Eleasah Xin and Eliakim Gao for their courage to do likewise. Nevertheless, in this section is contained copies of all the separation letters, with a short introduction and commentary on the same. The most important letter is the first – that of the ‘Church of Judah’, because it is against this letter and the perceived authors of it that almost every rebuttal [official reply published by The Westminster Tradition] is directed.
‘Church of Judah‘ in Inner Mongolia (05/10/18)
(Click the above link to the ‘Church of Judah’ separation letter to additionally access 35 ‘rebuttals’ from Chinese and Mongolian Westminster Tradition members seeking to defend the cult against the allegations of those who separated. They are also found in the ‘Rebuttals’ section.)
‘Church of Shandong‘ in China (15/10/2018)
Eleasah Xin in Beijing, China (21/10/2018)
‘Church in Zebulun‘, in China (23/10/2018)
Eliakim Gao, China (23/10/2018)
‘Church of Mount Moriah‘ in Yunnan, China (26/10/2018)
Joel Chia & Jeshaiah Lim (Singapore & Malaysia)
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