5. Does Elijah Hit People?

Yes, Elijah frequently cuffs or slaps people across the face. He expects people to offer no resistance and to thank him afterwards. The author of this website has personally seen him do this, several times in public. I cite three examples: Job Samyrajoo (elder,...

A Tyrant (Part 2)

Deut 29:4 - A Sermon by Elijah Chacko ‘Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.’ This ‘extempore exhortation’ of Elijah Chacko below was preached on the 6th March AD 2015 and has...

3. Who ordained Elijah Chacko?

“No man may take the honour of a Church-Officer unto himself, but he that was called of God, as was Aaron. Calling unto office is either Immediate, by Christ himself: such was the call of the Apostles and Prophets; this manner of calling ended with them, as has...

2. May I See Your Constitution?

One of the bullet points on the rear of ‘The Westminster Tradition’ Bible reading calendars is as follows: “Creedwise, we subscribe to The Westminster Confession Of Faith (1646 AD, original version) and The Cambridge Platform (1648 AD), the caveat of...

A Tyrant (Part 1)

“Phinehas, recently you purchased a mobile data plan for an affordable US $30/- but you hardly use it to communicate with me! It was Zechariah Tan who is trying to update me of your mission though he doesn’t have a mobile data. I suspect you use your phone to...