There Shall Be No Second Elijah
Attached below is Daniel Harper’s refutation of the Westminster Tradition teaching that Elijah Chacko is that Elias who ‘truly shall first come, and restore all things.’ It was e-mailed to many within TWT. Elijah Chacko responded by communicating privately with Daniel’s wife and sending her the comments of a number of the recipients. Here is a selection:
“Dan outwardly pretends to be gentleman and pretends to present in doctrinal points. But he is filled with malice to stab behind the back, taking advantage of the situation in China. He also stole words from pastor like ‘history is cyclical’. He is really a bastard!”
“It’s wickedness to the core. Daniel is such a bloody snake. He doesn’t even know what he wants in his letter. Saying that he wants acknowledges your ministry but denies your person. Utter rubbish. Bloody Lim and Chia. Stupid men all in confederacy. Pray God curse all of them.”
“May the Lord judge that wicked and unsound Daniel.”
If this doctrine falls, Elijah Chacko’s eschatology, anointing, mandate and authority falls. Such is the import then of defending this doctrine, that a rebuttal was delegated to Zephaniah Soh to prepare. It is attached below:
April 2019: I add this note to indicate that since publishing the above article on 25th Oct 2018, I have had considerably more time to consider Elijah Chacko’s person, teachings and manner of life. In the article’s afterword, I previously sought to justify my unwillingness to separate from The Westminster Tradition. I have left the original article untouched because I do not wish to tamper with or airbrush out the fact that my departure from Elijah Chacko has been gradual. God did not open my eyes immediately and for some time I had endeavoured to reject Elijah’s doctrines, whilst endorsing his person. Much has come to light since October 2018 and I can confidently say that Elijah’s gospel is tainted… mainly by his pride and desire to interpose between sinner and Saviour. In effect he teaches that no man cometh unto the Son, but by him.
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To readers, for your discern: John the baptist vs Elijah Thomas Chacko (Parentage) John the baptist 1) Zacharias 2) Elizabeth Elijah Thomas Chacko 1) Do u know? 2) Do u know? Zacharias – angel of God brought him the news of his prophet babe directly. Any angel of God appearing to the Elijah Thomas Chacko’s father? Elizabeth – John the baptist is filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother’s womb. Elijah Thomas Chacko is filled with the Holy Ghost in his mother’s womb? (Actual person) John the baptist – Bible states: a man sent from God. Elijah Thomas Chacko… Read more »